I had recently done some shamanic work and had discovered two very powerful animal totems; the stag and the wolf. I was aware that the wolf had been with me for all of my life, since I was a little girl in fact. And I found comfort and delight in looking back and discovering all the different signs of her presence in my life. It was in this spirit that I decided to look into the Black Panther as a totem. What I found was not surprising to me, in fact, it made perfect sense.
From wisdomportal.com, Ted Andrews, "Animal Speak" http://www.greatdreams.com/panther.htm
"Nietzche once said 'that which does not kill us makes us stronger'. It is this same idea that is awakened in the lives of those who open to the power of the panther totem. Those things of childhood and beyond that created suffering and which caused a loss of innate power and creativity are about to be reawakened, confronted and transmuted. The panther marks a new turn in the heroic path of those to whom it comes. It truly reflects more than just coming into ones own power. Rather it reflects a reclaiming of that which was lost and an intimate connection with the great archetypal force behind it. It gives an ability to go beyond what has been imagined, with opportunity to do so with discipline and control. It is the spirit of imminent rebirth".
So, with the above idea in mind, I follow the Black Panther. She has already greatly influenced my life and I cannot turn my back on her because of scars that I have from the past. Besides, life is like this, the "good" and the "bad" all mixed up together and our interpretations of them based purely on how they make us feel. So, I will follow the Black Panther and see where she takes me.....