Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Following the Black Panther

I grew curious after writing the poem and also having other synchronistic encounters with the Black Panther. It was surfacing in my life in a very visible way and I felt that there was still a lot to learn from her and that she was still hunting me but now in a different way.
I had recently done some shamanic work and had discovered two very powerful animal totems; the stag and the wolf. I was aware that the wolf had been with me for all of my life, since I was a little girl in fact. And I found comfort and delight in looking back and discovering all the different signs of her presence in my life. It was in this spirit that I decided to look into the Black Panther as a totem. What I found was not surprising to me, in fact, it made perfect sense.

From, Ted Andrews, "Animal Speak"

"Nietzche once said 'that which does not kill us makes us stronger'. It is this same idea that is awakened in the lives of those who open to the power of the panther totem. Those things of childhood and beyond that created suffering and which caused a loss of innate power and creativity are about to be reawakened, confronted and transmuted. The panther marks a new turn in the heroic path of those to whom it comes. It truly reflects more than just coming into ones own power. Rather it reflects a reclaiming of that which was lost and an intimate connection with the great archetypal force behind it. It gives an ability to go beyond what has been imagined, with opportunity to do so with discipline and control. It is the spirit of imminent rebirth".

So, with the above idea in mind, I follow the Black Panther. She has already greatly influenced my life and I cannot turn my back on her because of scars that I have from the past. Besides, life is like this, the "good" and the "bad" all mixed up together and our interpretations of them based purely on how they make us feel. So, I will follow the Black Panther and see where she takes me.....

After the poem.....

I knew that I had to do a painting after I wrote the poem. It is not necessarily one of my best and I feel like it still needs work. So far though, I haven't had the desire to touch it again. It's possible that it will just exist in its raw state and I will make more later.
I was a bit shocked at how much emotion surfaced for me around the concept of grief. And, to some degree, I have been unaware of how I have internalized my own experience.
When I lost my partner I was devastated and felt as if I had been split open. To be torn apart in such a way was violent and excruciatingly painful. The flip side (and yes, there was a flip side) is that it tore things down in me that needed to be torn down. It opened me up (to myself) in a way that nothing else could and left me transformed in a way that I could not ignore. It was necessary, no, vital, that I have that experience. It is part of the path that has led me to where I am now....following my dream.


That kind of grief
never leaves you alone

Once it's begun
it tracks you
Hunts you
like a Black Panther


Hunts you

It sniffs the air
Its long pink tongue
lolling out of its mouth
like a dogs on a hot summer day

It sniffs the air
and finds you

Finds you, finds you, finds you
by the sweat that is beading
on your forehead

Beads that are always there
because you know

You are being hunted

And you must run (run, run, run, run, run.........)
and ever be hunted
or stop
and be its prey

To be its prey
Is another thing......

To be eaten alive
as the Panther delights
in your suffering
feeds off of it
as much as
it feeds off of your flesh

It will take a big, big bite of you
its giant ivory canines
piercing your skin and muscle
until it hits your bone

And when it hits your bone
and has a big chunk
of your flesh
in its mouth

It rips
rips hard
and lightening fast
tearing screams
from your belly
as it tears flesh
from your bones

It throws its head back
and gulps down
that chunk of flesh
like a Toucan
eating a grape

Then it smiles at you
blood dripping from its whiskers, fangs, chin

Your blood

and then it leaves you there

It leaves you there
to wait
to moan in agony
pain throbbing thru
your whole body
like a pulse
'Til you pass out
from the exhaustion of it

After a while
you come to
and realize
You are still alive!

How did you live
thru such a horrible thing?
It makes you wet yourself
feeling the fear
all over again
and you think to yourself
"Now I have truly seen Evil"

You assess your weakened state
can I move?
how weak am I?
how much blood have I lost?
You try, with your muddled mind
to make a plan
of just getting up

But then,
there is a rustle of leaves
and you turn your head
and see the Panther
sitting off to your left

Framed by wild Orchids
and looking as innocent
as a house cat
as it grooms its right front paw

It puts its paw down
and looks at you

A friendly look
like it would like it
if you scratched a little
behind its ears

And you think to yourself
"Was it all a bad dream?
Did I imagine that horror?"

The Panther trots lightly over
sits down and stares at you
with those big wild eyes

It flattens its ears back
and growls low
in its throat

It growls like you are an enemy
like you would attack it
as you lay there
in your helpless, bleeding heap

The great cat works itself
into a frenzy
and attacks

You can't believe it's happening again!

You go into shock
blood, your blood
is gushing everywhere

This time
the Panther has pulled off your left arm
and lays a few feet away from you
gnawing on it
like a dog

After a while
it trots off
into the shrubs

All the muscle-meat is gone
from your arm
that is lying a few feet away from you
your hand still attached
at the wrist

Hyenas come sniffing
making that eerie
that they make

They grab the bones
of your arm with the hand attached
and run off
fighting over it
as they disappear
into the underbrush

You know the Panther
will return again

This goes on for years

Black Panther and Me

My relationship with the Black Panther is, at the moment, strained. Though I feel like it is very slowly improving. The work I have done this last quarter has helped me tremendously though I feel like she and I have a long ways to go. She is patient and even somewhat indifferent to my process (she is after all, a cat). So it is up to me to open to her, to investigate, to be curious and explore what it is that she is bringing to my life (and in fact, has already started in my life some years back). I know this is all sounding very mysterious....I will explain.

Last year my supervisor/co-worker J. lost his partner M. of 22 years. It was a freak accident. M. had been working at our facility part time. On his way to work, crossing the street, he was hit by a truck. He was in intensive care for a month before he passed. The facility that I work at is small and the staff is all very close in a strange sometimes dysfunctional sort of way, very much like a family. It hit us all very hard when the accident happened. Mostly I was very concerned for J. I know what it is like to lose a partner. I lost the love of my life 15 years ago to a terminal illness. I still miss him. It changed my life forever and dramatically....some of it good, some of it not so good.
When M. passed I knew what kind of grief J. had in front of him. It brought me back to my own excruciating process of trying to heal from such a devastating blow.
One night coming home from work, I was thinking/feeling very deeply on J.'s situation and feeling very, very, bad for him and also knowing that there was a limit as to how much I could actually help him. This would be a road that only he could travel and much of it would be alone.
As I was thinking all of this a poem came out of me and I furiously wrote it down on bits of paper as I sat on the BART train.
The name of the poem is "Hunted". I will write it in my next post.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Why SHOULDN'T we lie????????????????

Do people have positive experiences when they tell the truth?What's the payoff?

What about work, when I put on a professional front? Is that lying? What about therapists withholding information from their clients. Is that still lying by omission?

Perhaps the worst kind of lying is self deception. But then how can you not lie to yourself when you don't even know you are doing it?
Isn't self deception a defense mechanism for when our psyche can't handle stuff? You can't force that. You can't force someone to raise their consciousness. It has to evolve in its own time and under its own conditions. Maybe all lying is a form of self deception.....

Monday, March 1, 2010


  • Perhaps I am focusing too much on the negative....but lying seems to epidemic, so, I'm curious.....

  • C. telling me today that he will call me later when I know that he won't.
  • I lied to K. about being in a relationship with a woman. I let him think that she was a he and even referred to her as 'him' in our conversation.
  • I lied in class last nite about my 2D assignment. I said that I forgot it (which I did) but I did not mention that I had also not done any further work on it.
  • K. just lied to me about not having any phone reception. In truth, he hung up on me.
Lying is all about appearances.
Lying is about trying to control what other people think about us.
Lying is about our own judgements that we have.

Is not saying anything lying? Lying by omission?
C. said that lying is part of human nature.

In an ideal world, we could be fully who we are and 'process' with each other all the things we lie about.

I envision that this would all help us grow in consciousness as a species and help us to love and accept ourselves and each other. But there is no guarantee that 1) we will be heard 2) encounter someone who is willing to go thru that process with us.

So, it is a big risk. More often than not it is painful and disappointing when we are honest (even with ourselves). Why go thru that when the odds aren't even 50/50????

The Beginning of the Lying Pages Part 2

I wonder how much M. has lied to me? I think that he lies a lot. To me, other people and himself. He lies to get what he wants and to not deal with other peoples emotions. He lies so that he doesn't have to take responsibility for himself.

Do men lie more than women??

How much do I lie?????

Maybe I should start a lying page...........

The Beginning of the Lying Pages

Sunday January 17, 2010

I am sitting at the Metreon Mall in a Taco/Burrito 'restaurant'. Across from me is sitting a man eating. He is blatantly lying to the person he is on the phone with (girlfriend?????). He is telling the person on the phone that he is at an Oakland mall. He even goes so far to describe it specifically, "across the street from the Mens Warehouse". I know he is lying because we are both in downtown San Francisco. I want to go over to him after he gets off of the phone and ask him why he lied. What is his reasoning? What is his motivation? But it is none of my business. It is upsetting to witness someone lying.

Orange Love

Yesterday I went to Judi's studio for my weekly Sunday session. Ellen picked me up and we shared some horrific stories and laughed like hell out of the ridiculous situations we are sometimes presented with in life. We met Nancy in the parking lot and we all trudged up the stairs of the Macaroni Factory to Judi's live/work space.

We all know that we are there to work. It is a serious business doing artwork and every week I am reminded of how blessed I am to have this opportunity to share this creative space with such wonderful women. We shared some stories of the week and then got down to the business of making art. The creative wheels were lubricated by strong black coffee, ginger snaps and homemade croutons to snack on.

I am continuing on something that I have started in my Artistic Identity class. Robbyn had us sculpt our family of origins in clay. It was a powerful and emotionally charged exercise for most of us. It is great that our class is small, which allows us time to explore and go deep with each critique. After the initial sculpture we were to take that idea home and create a family of origins piece of artwork that represented what our family would look like if it were healed of all the dysfunction that we grew up with. I did my healed family of origin out of cloth and stuffed small shapeless figures to represent different family members. I was struck with how difficult it was to imagine my family in a healed state. It bothered me how much resistance I had about it. What is that about???? I've had over twenty years of therapy (seriously, I have), shouldn't I be farther along than that????? I was bothered by my resistance and the lack of direction that I felt in making the finished piece. But I was also curious about my blocks around it. In fact, it was kind of fascinating to me, like discovering this new aspect of myself that I didn't know about.
So, it was with all this in mind that I decided to work with the piece in Judi's class. I at least needed to have some sense of completion with this piece even if it were to be something that I came back and work with again. I wanted to stay working with fabric and I had lots of 'fat quarters' at home to use. I also found a pattern on the internet that I wanted to work with for these cute stuffed birds. The birds would represent myself and my family members and they would be somehow placed in a 'tree' which would be made out of dried branches.
This is the point I was at when I stopped to talk to Judi. I had brought in some branches and was showing them to her with the birds. After talking to her for a few minutes I realized that I had neglected to tell her all the background information!! So, I told her about the assignment and all my feelings about it. It was kinds amazing to share that kind of personal information with another human being. It was like reaching deep into myself, pulling up a glob of emotion and then talking about it. I turned it over for us to see all the different aspects and sides. I didn't hide anything. Afterwards Judi was better informed and she could help me with forming a direction to go in since I felt like I was completely out of my element with no road map and just putting one foot in front of the other. I also felt very vulnerable having just gone through this process of deeply digging around in my psyche and then sharing it with another human being and also acknowledging it to myself. As I turned back to work Judi asked the room if anyone wanted toast with jam. I piped up that I would have some. I looked over a few minutes later and she was making the toast and buttering some of it. I was waiting for the 'it's ready!' call. Instead, I turned around and she was standing there before me holding a plate of toasted french bread thickly layered with apricot jam. She stood there looking down at the plate telling me how the jam was from Italy and really good and that it didn't have any added sugar. To be honest, I was completely stunned by this small gesture of being delivered this plate of orange love. I am always the one who is nurturing others and delivering savory tidbits to people to please and soothe them. It was an amazing gift to be on the receiving end of this small token of nurturance. She gave me the gift of receiving my story and my process and then she gave me orange love.