That kind of grief
never leaves you alone
Once it's begun
it tracks you
Hunts you
like a Black Panther
Hunts you
It sniffs the air
Its long pink tongue
lolling out of its mouth
like a dogs on a hot summer day
It sniffs the air
and finds you
Finds you, finds you, finds you
by the sweat that is beading
on your forehead
Beads that are always there
because you know
You are being hunted
And you must run (run, run, run, run, run.........)
and ever be hunted
or stop
and be its prey
To be its prey
Is another thing......
To be eaten alive
as the Panther delights
in your suffering
feeds off of it
as much as
it feeds off of your flesh
It will take a big, big bite of you
its giant ivory canines
piercing your skin and muscle
until it hits your bone
And when it hits your bone
and has a big chunk
of your flesh
in its mouth
It rips
rips hard
and lightening fast
tearing screams
from your belly
as it tears flesh
from your bones
It throws its head back
and gulps down
that chunk of flesh
like a Toucan
eating a grape
Then it smiles at you
blood dripping from its whiskers, fangs, chin
Your blood
and then it leaves you there
It leaves you there
to wait
to moan in agony
pain throbbing thru
your whole body
like a pulse
'Til you pass out
from the exhaustion of it
After a while
you come to
and realize
You are still alive!
How did you live
thru such a horrible thing?
It makes you wet yourself
feeling the fear
all over again
and you think to yourself
"Now I have truly seen Evil"
You assess your weakened state
can I move?
how weak am I?
how much blood have I lost?
You try, with your muddled mind
to make a plan
of just getting up
But then,
there is a rustle of leaves
and you turn your head
and see the Panther
sitting off to your left
Framed by wild Orchids
and looking as innocent
as a house cat
as it grooms its right front paw
It puts its paw down
and looks at you
A friendly look
like it would like it
if you scratched a little
behind its ears
And you think to yourself
"Was it all a bad dream?
Did I imagine that horror?"
The Panther trots lightly over
sits down and stares at you
with those big wild eyes
It flattens its ears back
and growls low
in its throat
It growls like you are an enemy
like you would attack it
as you lay there
in your helpless, bleeding heap
The great cat works itself
into a frenzy
and attacks
You can't believe it's happening again!
You go into shock
blood, your blood
is gushing everywhere
This time
the Panther has pulled off your left arm
and lays a few feet away from you
gnawing on it
like a dog
After a while
it trots off
into the shrubs
All the muscle-meat is gone
from your arm
that is lying a few feet away from you
your hand still attached
at the wrist
Hyenas come sniffing
making that eerie
that they make
They grab the bones
of your arm with the hand attached
and run off
fighting over it
as they disappear
into the underbrush
You know the Panther
will return again
This goes on for years
roseanne, so intense. i barely can breath after reading this. how powerful, tho, to put into words. excruciating and exquisite.