I am sitting at the Metreon Mall in a Taco/Burrito 'restaurant'. Across from me is sitting a man eating. He is blatantly lying to the person he is on the phone with (girlfriend?????). He is telling the person on the phone that he is at an Oakland mall. He even goes so far to describe it specifically, "across the street from the Mens Warehouse". I know he is lying because we are both in downtown San Francisco. I want to go over to him after he gets off of the phone and ask him why he lied. What is his reasoning? What is his motivation? But it is none of my business. It is upsetting to witness someone lying.
yes, only goes to shore up our own sense of distrust i would think. unless he was secretly there to buy her some gift she wanted and telling her he was in SF would have been a dead giveaway...but i kinda doubt that!