Monday, March 15, 2010

Why SHOULDN'T we lie????????????????

Do people have positive experiences when they tell the truth?What's the payoff?

What about work, when I put on a professional front? Is that lying? What about therapists withholding information from their clients. Is that still lying by omission?

Perhaps the worst kind of lying is self deception. But then how can you not lie to yourself when you don't even know you are doing it?
Isn't self deception a defense mechanism for when our psyche can't handle stuff? You can't force that. You can't force someone to raise their consciousness. It has to evolve in its own time and under its own conditions. Maybe all lying is a form of self deception.....


  1. Roseanne,

    i lie about my weight. Good project.


  2. maybe lies are really very deep truths in disguise...
